Shanghai Expo Closing Ceremony

Mr. Walder sent me a link to the above video and asked me a question, “Amazing performance but where are the chairs?”

Beautiful performance,
A breath of fresh air, enjoy
This is China’s showcase to the world!
Absolutely beautiful but …….. WHERE ARE THE CHAIRS?
Are those lady musicians sitting on invisible chairs?

Apparently NOT – it’s a form of YOGA !!
This is actually being done in a yoga pose known as “chair posture”.
Thing is, imagine holding this position for that long!
The strength in their legs is unbelievable!


星期五晚上, 我跟兩位朋友到倫敦的Sadlers Wells 劇場去看了雲門舞集表演的”白”, 坐在劇場裡彷彿回到在台灣當學生的日子, 雲門的表演還是那麼前衛, 那麼精彩, 他們展現了高難度的舞姿, 謝幕的時候, 全場的觀眾不斷鼓掌喝采, 久久捨不得離去. 會後我跟朋友聚餐討論, 覺得雲門的演出融合了東西方的力與美, 他們這次的表演更是將中國功夫優雅化了!