Learn Chinese Through Films

Watching Chinese films is an effective and enjoyable way to learn the language.  Here are some tips:

Key secret–watch the same film not just once but a few times:

1.  1st time: focus on the plot and understand what’s happening.  Films with English subtitles may help.

2.  2nd and 3rd time: read the Chinese subtitles and note the new words.

3.  4th and 5th time: watch the film without reading any subtitles.

4.  from the 6th time onwards: memorise some dialogue in the film and imitate the accent.

5.  enjoy it!

Another film for your learning:  歸來 Coming Home.


路過-a short film for a writing practice

路過 (Passing By)-This short film brought tears into my eyes and made me miss my elderly mother in Taiwan.  Could you please pretend to be  the son in the film and write an email to a friend regarding the event.  Please include the following points:

1.  When and where did it happen?

2.  What did you tell your mother on the phone?

3.  What did your mother bring you at the station?

4.  You made a decision on the train.  What was it?

Transition are performing in London this week

We all love Transition’s Dui Bu Qi”.  Would you like to see their performance live?  The band Transition are playing at SOAS in London on Thursday this week — here are the details:

Transition are performing at SOAS in London this Thursday evening. It’s a free event at 7pm, starting with a screening of their documentary and then followed by a live acoustic performance.